Millenia has a proven track record of providing software engineering services to the software publishing community. This includes project management, requirements definition, software specification, development, and quality assurance. It does, however, take more than a good development methodology to make a successful project - what is needed is technical expertise.
Object Oriented Design and Development: All of the code we have written in the last 5 years is object oriented. Millenia's methodology has defined activities that work to get the best data model/object model and object oriented design for a particular problem.
We develop high performance web applications capable of being hosted in large data centers with non-stop 7x24 availability. Many vendors are porting their shrink-wrap software to web-ware to make it even easier to install and use. Typical features of such solutions include no dependency on server state since the same server may not process subsequent page requests. Large RAID disk arrays to accomodate thousands of simultaneous users data with auto fail over should a database server go down. Load balancing hardware on the internet. Databases stored on an internal network segment not accessible from the internet. Auto software loading and updating features to facilitate upgrades with no network downtime. These solutions typically involve the use of ASP, Java, Javascript, C++, DCOM, SQL, Oracle.
Global Investment Interface components for mutual fund data transfer on their website (00) DCOM, C++, SQL DTS MultiActive Software Conversion of Maximizer to a high performance web based product (00)
ASP, Java, Javascript, DCOM, C++, SQL Millenia Software Defect Tracking System (99) ASP, ADO, Access Timekeeping system (99) ASP, ADO, P.SQL Millenia Properties Accomodation booking system with real time payment clearing and confirmation (00) ASP, ADO, Javascript, P.SQL Stockhouse Web Component for interfacing stockmarket datafeeds with their website (00) DCOM, C++, NAQ, S&P, ASP, Javascript
We have used ADO as the data access layer in ASP scripts written for our in-house time keeping and bug tracking systems. ADO conformance testing was also an important requirement in our development of a generic OLEDB Provider to round out Simba's product line of database offerings. We have also worked extensively on their flagship ODBC driver which dramatically reduces time to market for companies with legacy database products which wish to add ODBC capability to their product line.
One of the latest adopters of Simba's database technology is Pervasive Software which use it in their P.SQL 2000 product line. On this project we wrote the DRM library which connects Simba engine to the Btrieve microkernel. The first adopter of this technology was Microsoft which used it in their first generation ODBC drivers for Access, Foxpro, Dbase, Text, Excel, Paradox, and Btrieve. We were heavily involved in developing the ODBC administration software required for this project. Oracle and Ingres administrators were also delivered by us.
MultiActive Software has recently added MS SQL Server support to their Maximizer contact management software. We were contracted to add this capability to their product.
This year we have started our own product line with Visual Database Designer, a database administration tool which uses ODBC. Version 1.0 is specifically written for P.SQL 2000.
Our list of database projects and specific technologies used includes:
Adobe Corporation ODBC Addition / Filter for PageMaker 6.0 (95) ODBC CimExcel Software Real Time Data Monitoring system for Manufacturing Industry (94) ODBC, MS SQL Crystal Services Software Registration and Support system for Crystal Reports Pro (94) Btrieve GVRD WINC Real Time Data Monitoring System for the Vancouver Water Supply (92) Dblib, MS SQL Howe Sound Pulp & Paper SQL Service Scheduling System (90) Dblib, MS SQL MacMillan Bloedel SQL Server Connectivity Dll for VB, MIS Support (93) ODBC, MS SQL MultiActive Software SQL driver for Maximizer Enterprise (98) ODBC. Btrieve, MS SQL Microsoft Corporation ODBC SQL Pass Through Dll for Access 1.0 (92) ODBC ODBC Administrators (93) ODBC, Access, Foxpro, Dbase, Paradox, Oracle, Ingres Millenia Software Visual Database Designer (99) ODBC, P.SQL 2000 Motorola Mobile Data Division Operations Management System (89) FoxPro Pervasive Software Pervasive.SQL 2000 (98-00) ODBC, Btrieve, DRM Simba Technologies Simba Engine ODBC driver (98-99) ODBC, DRM Simba Provider for OLEDB (98-99) OLEDB, DRM
C++ - COM / DCOM - ActiveX
We have used many ActiveX (OLE) technologies in our projects. These include working with Structured Storage files to provide ODBC access to Excel. These were also incorporated as the primary file format in the Adobe HNOT and NuVision Write-It projects.
OLE Automation provides a generic connection mechanism between many products and active X components. We have designed automation interfaces via type libraries and directly via IDispatch implementations. The Macintosh Office Find File interface contains an automation library designed and implemented by us. The DCOM Deployment Agent also relies on a DCOM automation dll implemented by us which can be called from C++, VB, and VBA macro languages.
OLEDB is one of the more recent additions to the family of OLE subsystems with a COM foundation. The Simba OLEDB provider we worked on contains a multi-interface object model as outlined in the OLEDB spec. Our contribution on this project involved implementing the IDBAsynchStatus interface which is the primary mechanism for providing multi-threaded support to OLEDB clients.
The DCOM Deployment Agent also required us to implement setting and retrieving of security on deployed DCOM objects using the NT Security APIs.
For Adobe Table we were required to develop an OLE Object Handler to perform custom print processing to Postscript printers.
The Adobe HNOT, Adobe Table, and Microsoft Find File projects required cross platform development using the Visual C++ 4.2 cross platform development kit.
Extensis (Adobe) Corporation HNOT properties for Extensis Portfolio (94-95) formerly Adobe Fetch Structured Storage Adobe Corporation Adobe Table for PageMaker 6.0 (95) Object Handler Microsoft Corporation DCOM Deployment Agent for VisualC 5.0 (96) COM, DCOM, OLE Automation, NT Security Microsoft Corporation Find File for Macintosh Office 97 (96) OLE Automation Simba Technologies Simba Provider for OLEDB (98-99) OLEDB, DRM NuVision Products Write-It! v 1.0 (98) Structured Storage
Http Internals - Internet Technologies
UI, Graphics, MFC, Internationalization